Get A Complete Makeover Of Your Brand
One Of The Biggest Challenges For Salons And Spas Is To Thrive In An Extremely Competitive Environment To Promote Their Services. Most Of The People Either Search For A Salon On Search Engines And Are Willing To Go Based On Online Reviews.
It Has Become Imperative For Salons To Promote Their Business Online With The Help Of A Professional Digital Marketing Agency That Has The Relevant Experience, Understanding Of Their Business and Expertise To Help Them Grow Their Establishment.
What We Do
How We Do It
Custom Website
Your website should be easy to use by the customer.
Custom Web Design
Your website should capture a potential customer’s attention while being unique & easy to navigate.
Search Engine Optimization
Conversion Optimization
Facebook/ Instagram Paid Ads
Reputation Management
Email Marketing
Virtual Assistant
Targeted Google Ads
We help Salons grow their beauty businesses.
The success to your business is reaching the desired customers at the right time.
We help Salons grow their beauty industry.
Every business needs customers in order to grow, but can potential customers find yours?
Have you been posting about your salon on social media? Maybe you even have a custom website, but you’re worried it isn’t performing optimally. Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps, SEO, paid ads, websites, and social media platforms are all powerful marketing tools, but only if you know how to harness them.
We get it. Marketing your hairdressing services in the digital age can feel overwhelming, but that’s why First Page exists. We get your salon to the top of local search engine results, which means more clients for you. And best of all, we make it easy.
Here’s why our clients from Salon rave about us:
We Are All About Results!
25,000+ walk-ins
15,000+ Calls
100% visibility in Google
As an IT solutions provider, maintaining and protecting private data is paramount, and a large part of our everyday focus. We are fully committed to protecting any data that is provided to us, including, but not limited to, personally identifiable information.
In order to operate efficiently for our prospects and clients, we need to gather data. This is a factor that allows us to serve our clients effectively. However, we only gather information that we feel is necessary to provide our services effectively or, to improve the experience of our prospects and clients.
We operate under the principles of ‘data minimization’ wherever possible, and only ask for the minimum amount of information required for us to provide our services effectively. We only retain and maintain data that we feel is necessary.
We aspire to be compliant with applicable data protection regulations, and whenever possible, to go above and beyond these standards to ensure the safest possible experience for those we engage with.